
Soybeans are one crop legumes which became the basic ingredient of many East Asian foods such as soy sauce, tofu, and tempeh (tempeh: soybean foods from Indonesia). Based on the archaeological heritage, this plant has been cultivated since 3,500 years ago in East Asia. White soy was introduced into the archipelago by migrants from China since the rise of trade with China, while black beans are known for a long time local residents. Soybeans are the main source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil world. Major world producer of soybeans are the United States despite a new practical soy cultivated in the community outside of Asia after 1910.

Soy For Health Benefits

Soy is a plant cultivated in the fields. Behind a tiny and crowded oval if large numbers turned out to save a million benefits to the health of our bodies. Soybeans can be made ​​anything we like. With creativity, can be made ​​soy tempeh, tofu, soy milk and so forth. To find out more about the health benefits of soy for our bodies, read this article until the finish. Do not miss.
Soy milk has other benefits that is to deal with complaints of menopause in women. Japanese women loved to eat processed soy products like soy milk, hence the height and age at menopause often experience post-menopausal complaints.
In addition to be made tempeh, soy milk is also processed into many, or better known soy milk. Preparation of soybean milk has been developed in China in the 2nd century BC. From the developing country's bamboo curtain to Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia after World War II.
Soy milk also contains no cholesterol. Protein content in soy milk are influenced by soybean varieties. Soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein in rice and other cereal foods.

Diversity and culture

Soybeans are grown is actually composed of at least two species: Glycine max (soybean called white, whose seeds can be colored yellow, a little white, or green) and Glycine Soja (Soybean black, black seed). G. max is native to subtropical regions of Asia such as the PRC and Japan south, while G. Soja is native to tropical Asia in Southeast Asia. This plant has spread to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and Indonesia.
Some cultivars of white soy cultivation in Indonesia, among them the 'Euro', 'New Order', 'Lokon', 'Darros', and 'Wilis'. "Edamame" is a kind of green soybean seed that has not been long known in Indonesia and came from Japan.
Soybeans are grown in paddy fields and dry land (fields). Planting is usually done at the end of the rainy season, after the rice harvest. Earthworks are usually minimal. Seeds inserted directly on the holes created. Usually within 20-30cm. Basic nitrogen and phosphate fertilization is needed, but after the addition of nitrogen to grow crops do not provide any benefit. Land that has never been planted soybean is recommended given a "starter" nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum to aid plant growth. Killer of soil when plants adolescent (early vegetative phase), as well as the cleaning of weeds and the second phase of phosphate fertilizer. Ahead of potassium fertilization of flowering is recommended, although many farmers neglect to save costs.

Two pieces of soy beans, wrapped in skins and seeds contain no endosperm tissue. The embryo is located the between the seed pieces. Yellow seed coat color, black, green, brown. Navel seeds (hilum) is a former network attached to the wall fruit seeds. Soy beans are Generally rounded oval shape but some are round or slightly flattened round.

A dry soybean seed will germinate when getting enough water. Soybean sprouts classified as epigeous, ie pieces of seeds appeared above ground. Soybean sprouts can be used as a vegetable (bean sprouts).

Soybean plants have roots that make riding the roots of the branches that grow sideways (horizontal) not far from the surface of the ground. If the soil moisture decreased, the roots will grow deeper into the order to be able to absorb nutrients and water. Growth to the side can reach a distance of 40 cm, with depths up to 120 cm. In addition to functioning as a cornerstone of plant and conveyance of water and nutrients, the roots of soybean plants is also home to the formation of a pimple roots. Nodule in the form of colonies of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a mutualist symbiosis with soybean. On land that already contains these bacteria, root nodules began to form about 15 - 20 days after planting. Root nodule bacteria can directly bind nitrogen from the air in the form of N2 gas which can then be used by soybean after oxidized to nitrate (NO3).

Soybeans have the trunked 30-100 cm high. Rods can form 3-6 branch, but if the distance between plants meeting, the branch is reduced, or no branching at all. This type of stem growth can be divided into finite (determinate), unlimited (indeterminate), and half a finite (semi-indeterminate). Finite type has a typical flowering rose in unison and put an end to growth. Short to medium plants, the stem end is almost as large as the center of the stem, leaves as big as the top middle of the leaf stem. Type is not limited to flowering is characterized by gradually from the bottom up and the plants continue to grow. Plant stature was moderate to high, the rod tip is smaller than the middle. Finite type has a characteristic half between the two other types.

Flowers perfect soy, including interest rates have tools that every male and female tool. Pollination occurs when the petals are still closed so it is likely to interbreed naturally very small. Interest lies in stem sections, purple or white. Not all flowers can be pollinated pods although there has been a perfectly. Approximately 60% of flowers fall off before forming pods.

Soybean pod-shaped fruit. Each plant can yield 100-250 pods. Soybean pods are hairy and brownish yellow or gray. During the ripening process of fruits, pods which are green at first will turn black.

In the book (node) first plant that grows from seed to form a single pair of leaves. Furthermore, in all the books on it are always formed compound leaves with three strands. Single leaves have short stalks and leaves three of us have a rather long stalk. Each leaf-shaped oval, thin, and green. Downy leaf surfaces (trichoma) on both sides. Buds or flowers will appear in the armpits compound petiole. After the old, the leaves turn yellow and fall, from leaf stuck to the bottom of the stem.
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