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Full moon of Jupiter, when Jupiter is in the state of its closest approach to Earth or Jupiter opposition is also called, will happen tomorrow night, Friday (28/10). Under conditions of full moon, Jupiter-Earth-Sun will be in a straight line. Jupiter will appear brighter and more full round, including the brightest in 11 years.
In contrast to other astronomical phenomena such as meteor showers that may not be seen clearly by the town such as Jakarta, the full moon of Jupiter can be seen clearly with the naked eye. "Residents of the city could see it even if there is light pollution, Head of Bosscha Observatory said on Wednesday (26/10). In fact Jupiter has seemed clear since a week ago, even had to be contiguous with the moon so as to dance with her. It's just a week since yesterday , Jupiter has not reached a distance of closest approach to Earth. New on October 28, the night was the closest distance achieved.
Muhammad Rayhan of the Amateur Astronomers Association of Jakarta (HAAJ) said, "When viewed with the naked eye, Jupiter opposition is going to look like a normal star."
However, from observations for several days, Jupiter is quite indistinguishable from stars. At opposition, Jupiter will be adjacent to the constellation Taurus. Stellarium program can be used to facilitate the search.
head of the observatory can suggest if the observations were made using a telescope. "Measuring 60-10 cm telescope alone was enough to see Jupiter," said Judge. With the telescope, the observer can see the satellites of Jupiter as Io, Europa and Ganymede. It also can be cyclones Jupiter phenomenon known as red spot of Jupiter.
He also said "The opposition Jupiter can also be the object astrofotography. It could be enlarged in Jupiter or Jupiter with his satellites,". Jupiter opposition this year belong to one of the most special. Opposition to coincide with the phase of the new moon and Jupiter's perihelion (closest distance of Jupiter-Sun).
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In contrast to other astronomical phenomena such as meteor showers that may not be seen clearly by the town such as Jakarta, the full moon of Jupiter can be seen clearly with the naked eye. "Residents of the city could see it even if there is light pollution, Head of Bosscha Observatory said on Wednesday (26/10). In fact Jupiter has seemed clear since a week ago, even had to be contiguous with the moon so as to dance with her. It's just a week since yesterday , Jupiter has not reached a distance of closest approach to Earth. New on October 28, the night was the closest distance achieved.
Muhammad Rayhan of the Amateur Astronomers Association of Jakarta (HAAJ) said, "When viewed with the naked eye, Jupiter opposition is going to look like a normal star."
However, from observations for several days, Jupiter is quite indistinguishable from stars. At opposition, Jupiter will be adjacent to the constellation Taurus. Stellarium program can be used to facilitate the search.
head of the observatory can suggest if the observations were made using a telescope. "Measuring 60-10 cm telescope alone was enough to see Jupiter," said Judge. With the telescope, the observer can see the satellites of Jupiter as Io, Europa and Ganymede. It also can be cyclones Jupiter phenomenon known as red spot of Jupiter.
He also said "The opposition Jupiter can also be the object astrofotography. It could be enlarged in Jupiter or Jupiter with his satellites,". Jupiter opposition this year belong to one of the most special. Opposition to coincide with the phase of the new moon and Jupiter's perihelion (closest distance of Jupiter-Sun).
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Soybeans are one crop legumes which became the basic ingredient of many East Asian foods such as soy sauce, tofu, and tempeh (tempeh: soybean foods from Indonesia). Based on the archaeological heritage, this plant has been cultivated since 3,500 years ago in East Asia. White soy was introduced into the archipelago by migrants from China since the rise of trade with China, while black beans are known for a long time local residents. Soybeans are the main source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil world. Major world producer of soybeans are the United States despite a new practical soy cultivated in the community outside of Asia after 1910.
Soy For Health Benefits
Soy is a plant cultivated in the fields. Behind a tiny and crowded oval if large numbers turned out to save a million benefits to the health of our bodies. Soybeans can be made anything we like. With creativity, can be made soy tempeh, tofu, soy milk and so forth. To find out more about the health benefits of soy for our bodies, read this article until the finish. Do not miss.
Soy milk has other benefits that is to deal with complaints of menopause in women. Japanese women loved to eat processed soy products like soy milk, hence the height and age at menopause often experience post-menopausal complaints.
In addition to be made tempeh, soy milk is also processed into many, or better known soy milk. Preparation of soybean milk has been developed in China in the 2nd century BC. From the developing country's bamboo curtain to Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia after World War II.
Soy milk also contains no cholesterol. Protein content in soy milk are influenced by soybean varieties. Soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein in rice and other cereal foods.
Diversity and culture
Soybeans are grown is actually composed of at least two species: Glycine max (soybean called white, whose seeds can be colored yellow, a little white, or green) and Glycine Soja (Soybean black, black seed). G. max is native to subtropical regions of Asia such as the PRC and Japan south, while G. Soja is native to tropical Asia in Southeast Asia. This plant has spread to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and Indonesia.
Some cultivars of white soy cultivation in Indonesia, among them the 'Euro', 'New Order', 'Lokon', 'Darros', and 'Wilis'. "Edamame" is a kind of green soybean seed that has not been long known in Indonesia and came from Japan.
Soybeans are grown in paddy fields and dry land (fields). Planting is usually done at the end of the rainy season, after the rice harvest. Earthworks are usually minimal. Seeds inserted directly on the holes created. Usually within 20-30cm. Basic nitrogen and phosphate fertilization is needed, but after the addition of nitrogen to grow crops do not provide any benefit. Land that has never been planted soybean is recommended given a "starter" nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum to aid plant growth. Killer of soil when plants adolescent (early vegetative phase), as well as the cleaning of weeds and the second phase of phosphate fertilizer. Ahead of potassium fertilization of flowering is recommended, although many farmers neglect to save costs.
Two pieces of soy beans, wrapped in skins and seeds contain no endosperm tissue. The embryo is located the between the seed pieces. Yellow seed coat color, black, green, brown. Navel seeds (hilum) is a former network attached to the wall fruit seeds. Soy beans are Generally rounded oval shape but some are round or slightly flattened round.
A dry soybean seed will germinate when getting enough water. Soybean sprouts classified as epigeous, ie pieces of seeds appeared above ground. Soybean sprouts can be used as a vegetable (bean sprouts).
Soybean plants have roots that make riding the roots of the branches that grow sideways (horizontal) not far from the surface of the ground. If the soil moisture decreased, the roots will grow deeper into the order to be able to absorb nutrients and water. Growth to the side can reach a distance of 40 cm, with depths up to 120 cm. In addition to functioning as a cornerstone of plant and conveyance of water and nutrients, the roots of soybean plants is also home to the formation of a pimple roots. Nodule in the form of colonies of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a mutualist symbiosis with soybean. On land that already contains these bacteria, root nodules began to form about 15 - 20 days after planting. Root nodule bacteria can directly bind nitrogen from the air in the form of N2 gas which can then be used by soybean after oxidized to nitrate (NO3).
Soybeans have the trunked 30-100 cm high. Rods can form 3-6 branch, but if the distance between plants meeting, the branch is reduced, or no branching at all. This type of stem growth can be divided into finite (determinate), unlimited (indeterminate), and half a finite (semi-indeterminate). Finite type has a typical flowering rose in unison and put an end to growth. Short to medium plants, the stem end is almost as large as the center of the stem, leaves as big as the top middle of the leaf stem. Type is not limited to flowering is characterized by gradually from the bottom up and the plants continue to grow. Plant stature was moderate to high, the rod tip is smaller than the middle. Finite type has a characteristic half between the two other types.
Flowers perfect soy, including interest rates have tools that every male and female tool. Pollination occurs when the petals are still closed so it is likely to interbreed naturally very small. Interest lies in stem sections, purple or white. Not all flowers can be pollinated pods although there has been a perfectly. Approximately 60% of flowers fall off before forming pods.
Soybean pod-shaped fruit. Each plant can yield 100-250 pods. Soybean pods are hairy and brownish yellow or gray. During the ripening process of fruits, pods which are green at first will turn black.
In the book (node) first plant that grows from seed to form a single pair of leaves. Furthermore, in all the books on it are always formed compound leaves with three strands. Single leaves have short stalks and leaves three of us have a rather long stalk. Each leaf-shaped oval, thin, and green. Downy leaf surfaces (trichoma) on both sides. Buds or flowers will appear in the armpits compound petiole. After the old, the leaves turn yellow and fall, from leaf stuck to the bottom of the stem.
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Honey is sticky and sweet fluid produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers.
Honey is sweeter than table sugar and has the chemical characteristics of interest for roasting. Honey has a different flavor than sugar and other sweeteners. honey bees are included in the family "apidae" and the most widely cultivated in Indonesia and around the world is kind of bee Apis Mallifera. Generally natural honey made from nectar sweet liquid that is contained in an ordinary flower crown absorbed by bees or wasps, which are then collected and stored in the nest to be processed into material for their main food supply, the rest of the inhabitants of the nest.
Types of Honey
The types of honey bees or wasps are produced by quite a lot. Even more so when viewed from the pollen or nectar are eaten or carried by bees. Among other things known as: Honey hibiscus, Calluna, linden, calliandra and more. When viewed from the source, type of honey, among others:
a. Honey Flora
Flora or honey flower honey is pure honey produced from the nectar of flowers. Honey is generally composed of two types:
1). Monoflora honey produced from nectar sourced only one type of flower.
2). Porliflora honey or honey produced from nectar sourced produced more than one kind of flower or flowers of various kinds.
b. Honey Dew (honey dew) is produced by honey bees from secretions of certain insects are often found in herbs or flower petals.
c. Ekstraflora honey is honey produced from non-floral nectar or do not come from flowers.
Content of Honey
According to research by experts, natural honey contains many minerals and seven types of vitamin B complex, vitamin C also there, dextrin, plant pigments, aminoacid (amino acid), proteins, and esters (which serves to form the enzyme), and aromatic components of the substance substances or elements that serve as fragrances. Some of the mineral content in honey is a sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), Chlorine (Cl), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg) , Iodine (I), Zinc (Zn), silicon (Si), sodium (Na), Molybdenum (Mo) and aluminum (Al). Mineral deposits that exist in natural honey, depending on the inhaled pollen. Usefulness of calcium and phosphorus in honey is very useful for the growth of bones and teeth
Honey also has Lysozyn compounds which have antibacterial power, including inhibine compounds, which can work as a disinfectant. That's what causes natural honey can be used as a wound healer.
the knowledge of honey contains seven enzymes that do not ternilaikan also values and benefits. These enzymes are:
a. The enzyme invertase, which is known to turn into dextrose and levulose sukrose.
b. Diastase enzyme known to convert starch manjadi maltose.
c. The enzyme catalase, which can change peroksidan liquid hydrogen (hydrogen peroksidan illustrates a simplified form).
d. Inulase enzyme that can convert insulin to levulose.
e. Enzymes of aromatic substances, among others: terpenes, aldehydes, esters.
f. Enzymes from other substances such as: Mannitol, Dulcitol.
g. Maltose enzymes that can help generate energy or energy that can rarely occur.
Benefits of Honey
The benefits of honey on human health and oral health, among others:
a. Benefits of honey as a cure stomach or digestive tract diseases. Manganese content of substances contained in honey is very effective to help the process of digestion and absorption of food. It also can reduce the degree of acidity (pH), as well as help prevent bleeding in the stomach or intestines
b. Benefits of honey as an antibiotic drug. Honey has anti-bacterial power is good for treating wounds and old, because honey has bacteria-killing power in a broad spectrum or range. In addition, in the honey contained a substance that serves as a barrier (a barrier or deterrent), so bacteria can not penetrate into the wound.
c. Honey is very effective for preventing tooth decay. Honey is not only able to stop the bacteria in the mouth that causes thickening of the layer of plaque, but also can reduce acid levels in the mouth.
d. Honey can be used as sedatives and anesthetics that are safe for baby teeth during growth.
e. Honey has sedaktif effects that can lead to sleep soundly. In the body, such as honey, sugar metabolized sinotonin lead levels (a compound that can relieve brain activity) in the brain that induces increased desire for relaxation and sleep.
Characteristically Antibacterial Honey
Anti-bacterial ingredient contained in honey useful functions to assist the body in the address of bacteria (germs). That's because there are compounds of hydrogen in the honey and fitonitrisi peroksidan. Lysozine Honey also contains compounds that have antibacterial power, including inhibine compounds that can work as a disinfectant.
How it works as an anti-bacterial honey is honey water so that the bacteria bind to a lack of water to multiply. Water activity of honey inhibits bacterial growth, and the pH ranging from 3.2 to 4.5 honey is low enough to inhibit bacterial growth in general. The main antibacterial activity in honey is related to the hydrogen peroxide enzymatically formed. Levels of hydrogen peroxide produced is antibacterial, but not harm the body's tissues. Gargling clear honey (+ 15%) cure stomatitis
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LAKE Kerinci has an area of 4200 hectares with a depth of 110 m and is situated at an altitude of 783 meters above sea level. The lake holds many species of fish. Semah Fish is the most popular type and is an endemic fish. Lake Kerinci is located on two district namely Kerinci Lake District and Lake District Roving.
There are several interesting locations in several villages around Lake Kerinci, namely Pesanggarahan area where we can see from the above views of Lake Kerinci, Cape of Bung Hatta Hatta is the place to enjoy panoramic views of Lake Kerinci and plant trees there, there Seleman village house which is a typical home Laheik Kerinci , and in the village of Middle Island there Dolmen Stone Sacred Mosque of King and Middle Island and around Lake Kerinci there are a number of carved stone megaliths suspected human remains.
In each year, at Lake Kerinci Lake Kerinci Festval held a variety of attractions featuring local art.
Like other regions in Indonesia, there are legends about Lake Kerinci. Is Calupat and Calungga two orphaned twin brothers who lived at the foot of Mount Kerinci. They have a heritage Pomegranate Red and White Stone relics of his parents. One day Calungga went hunting by himself, the way he finds a giant egg. The eggs were then taken home to show to his brother but it turns out Calungga Calupat decided to eat the eggs alone, after eating a giant egg, Calungga thirst. It turned out that different Calungga thirst. He drank the river water around Mount Kerinci which caused the river to be dry. Calungga body changed over time, elongated and has a gold scales of nyiru. Calungga turn into a giant dragon with ruby gems stone at his head. To test his power, the Dragon Calungga appealed to all the gods in the earth's natural magic Kerinci valley to be flooded with water, forming a large lake. Round the dragon's body forms a lake, now called Lake Bento at the foot of Mount Kerinci. Calupat Calungga sister was unable to live alone, he asked the dragon Calungga drove him to the township residents in the eastern sunrise so that he can coexist with the population. Then blown by the dragon's mouth with a powerful wind which had now become a river named Wind River Estuary (Sungai Batang Merangin). Then the water dragon is shrinking due to drift downstream to the East Calungga which so changed into a valley named Renah and a lake is Kerinci Lake Kerinci now. At the time of their arrival before the residents along the great rivers flow, Calupat sitting on a dragon's head. Then the population was also directly crowned as the king who holds Calupat Sang Hyang Naga Jaya.
Kerinci Regency has the potential of art and culture are very high. The potential of art that developed in this area include the art of folk music, the songs, dances, nuanced Islamic art, and various other traditional art forms. Here there is a regional arts groups scattered in various rural areas that include as many as 28 pieces of art theater, dance, as many as 65 pieces, 52 pieces of art music, art, music qasida or tambourine as many as 48 pieces, and puppets as much as 9 pieces. Performing arts of the region is generally associated directly with events such as weddings serimonial, welcomed the birth of a baby, the inauguration of dwelling house, the show boys circumcision or other forms of events.
To reach the location can be reached by road with several alternatives: the first alternative: the journey begins from the city of Edinburgh to the River Full. Distance between Edinburgh with Full River about 500 miles with a travel time for 10 hours. The trip can be done with ground vehicles in the form of public transportation, rental cars or private cars.
The second alternative: the trip can be started from the city of Padang to Tapan then proceed to the river Filled with a distance of 278 km. The journey taken for about 7 hours. The trip can be done with public transportation, rental cars or private cars.
The third alternative: the journey begins from Padang to Muaralabuh, then proceed to grit Tuo. The distance from the city of Padang to the location of approximately 211 km with long travel approximately 5-6 hours. The trip can be done with ground vehicles in the form of public transportation, rental cars or private cars.
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Sugarcane is a crop grown for sugar and MSG raw materials. These plants can only grow in tropical climates. These plants include herbaceous species. Age of the plant since grown to be harvested accounted for approximately 1 year. In Indonesia sugarcane is cultivated in many islands of Java and Sumatra.
For the manufacture of sugar, sugarcane has been harvested by machine squeezed squeezer (press machine) in a sugar factory. After that, juice or sugar cane juice is filtered, boiled, and bleached to become white sugar as we know it. From the manufacturing process of sugar cane will be produced 5%, 90% bagasse and the remainder in the form of drops (molasse) and water.
Sugarcane leaves are dried (in the Java language, dadhok) is biomass that has a high enough caloric value. Mothers in rural areas often use dadhok it as fuel for cooking; in addition to saving the more expensive kerosene, fuel is also fast heat.
In the energy conversion of sugar factories, cane leaves and sugar cane pulp is used for boiler fuel, which is used for process steam production and power generation.
In some areas of sugarcane juice is often used as a drink of fresh release tired, sugar cane juice is quite good for health because it can increase glucose. one of the places that sell ice in around Jember yatu cane.
(Saccharum officinarum)
1.1. Climate
a) The rain is equally necessary after the plants were 8 months and this requirement is reduced until the harvest.
b) The plant grows well in hot and humid climates. Good moisture for plant growth is> 70%
c) The temperature ranges between 28-34 degrees C.
1.2. Planting Media
a) Land which the best is the fertile soil and enough water but not stagnant
b) If the land planted in rice fields with irrigation water is easy on the set but if planted in a field / soil dry rainfed cultivation should be done in the rainy season.
1.3. Altitude Places
Height of a good place for growing sugar cane is 500-500 m above sea level.
2.1. Nurseries
Seedlings will be planted in the form
(1) seedling shoots,
(2) young stems of seedlings,
(3) seedlings rayungan and
(4) seed siwilan
a) Seedling shoots
Seeds taken from the shoots of sugarcane to be milled was 12 months. Number of eyes (new shoots will be) taken along the 20 cm 2-3. Dry leaves that wrap the stem is not disposed to protect the eye cane.
The cost of seed is more expensive because it requires no seeding, seed easily transported because they do not easily damaged, the top seed growth does not require much water. Use of seedling shoots can only be done if the garden has berporduksi.
b) Seeds young stems
Known also as the raw seeds / seedlings krecekan. Derived from plants 5-7 months old. The whole sugarcane can be taken and made three cuttings. Each cutting consisted of 2-3 buds. To get the seeds, cut the plant, leaf rod wrapping is not removed. 1 hectare nursery plants can produce seeds mule for 10 acres.
c) rayungan Seeds (1 or 2 shoots)
Seeds extracted from sugar cane plants for nurseries that grow shoots in the form of cuttings but the roots have not come out. These seeds are made by:
1. Removing the leaves so that growth is not inhibited buds
2. Sugarcane stems trimmed 1 month prior to seed rayungan used.
3. Sugarcane plants cultivated as much as 50 kg / ha
These seeds need a lot of water and seedlings grow faster than mules. 1 hectare nursery plants can produce seeds rayungan to 10 hectares of sugarcane.
Rayungan seedling shoots weakness is often damaged during transport and can not be stored long as seedlings mule.
d) Seeds siwilan
Seeds are taken from new shoots of plants that bud is dead. Treatment of seeds with seed rayungan siwilan.
2.2. Media Processing Plant
There are two kinds of ways to prepare the way sugarcane plantations Reynoso and plows.
2.2.1. Preparation
Known also by Cemplongan and performed in paddy soil. In this way the soil is not completely processed, which dug a hole just using the earnings
2.2.2. Land Opening
a) The wetland sized plot of 1,000 m2 made. Trenches longitudinal, transverse created with width of 50 cm and within 50 cm. The next round is made trenches within 1.3 m from the edge of the land.
b) the planting hole is made in the form of a trench with a depth of 35 cm with the distance between the planting hole (trench) as far as 1 m. Soil excavation stacked on top of the planting hole to form between the bolt guludan. After planting, the soil guludan it moved again to its original place.
2.3. Planting Technique
2.3.1. Determination of Planting Pattern
Generally, sugarcane is planted in monoculture in the month of June to August (on the ground berpengairan) or at the end of the rainy season (in moor land / rainfed).
There are two ways of planting sugarcane in the brook and in the planting hole. In the first way the seeds are placed along the brook, 2-3 cm thick covered the ground and watered. This method is mostly done Reynoso plantation house. The second way the seeds are placed transversely along solokan planting distance 30-40 cm. In both ways on the seed cane is placed in a way recline.
Seeds are needed in a hectare is 20,000 seeds.
2.3.2. Planting Method
Before planting, the soil watered the seeds can be anchored to the ground.
a) Seedling cuttings (pieces of sugar cane) planted huddled lengthwise so that the number of tillers produced much. It takes 70,000 seeds cuttings / ha.
b) To seed mule / generation, soil underlined the depth of 5-10 cm, the seedlings are put into it with eyes facing sideways and then backfilled with soil seeds.
For the one-eyed rayungan seeds, buried seeds and shoots exposed to the side with a slope of 45 degrees, while for a double-edged rayungan buried seeds and shoots exposed to the side with a depth of 1 cm.
One day after planting, watering done if no rain. Watering should not be too late but also not be too much.
3.4. Maintenance of Plant
2.4.1. Thinning and Stitching
a) Embroidery first to plant the seeds derived from a one-eyed rayungan performed 5-7 days after planting. Seeds prepared rayungan embroidery near the plants of doubtful growth. After the plants watered. Stitching the two performed 3-4 weeks after the first stitching.
b) Embroidery for plants from the seeds of a double-edged rayungan performed three weeks after planting (3-4 leaf plants strands). Embroidery taken from inventory by dismantling plant seeds and roots and soil surrounding solid. Seedlings that died revoked, the hole filled with loose soil taken from guludan dried, ground seeds are planted and watered and finally backfilled soil. Watered and compacted soil again.
c) embroidery for plants from seed shoots. Stitching first performed at week 3. Stitching together the two performed by fertilizing and watering into two ie 1.5 months after planting. Both stitching is done in the same way with point (b) above.
d) Extra Stitching done if necessary a few days before pembumbunan to 6. The existence of extra stitching shows how poor planting.
e) Stitching demolition. Should only be done if there is a natural disaster or attack a disease that causes 50% of dead plants.
Healthy plants that have been dismantled with great caution and wear menyulan dead plants. Cut the leaves of plants embroidery that evaporation is not too much, and fertilize 100-200 kg / ha.
2.4.2. Weeding
Weeding done simultaneously with the current land pembubunan and done several times depending on the growth of weeds. Eradication of weeds with herbicides in the garden held in August to November with a mixture of 2-4 and 3-4 Kg 80 Kg Gesapas Hedanol power.
2.4.3. Pembubunan
Before pembubunan to saturate the soil should be watered so that soil structure is not damaged.
a) Pembumbunan first performed at the age of 3-4 weeks. Bumbunan thick should not be more than 5-8 cm evenly. The segment should be buried in the ground so that seeds do not dry out quickly.
b) Pembumbun to the two performed at the age of 2 months.
c) Pembumbuna all three done at age 3 months.
2.4.4. Perempalan
Leaves must be removed so that the joints of cane sugar cane leaves dry clean and avoid fires. Along with the release of dry leaves, sugarcane seedlings are not doing well disposed. Perempalan first performed at 4 months after planting and the second when the cane was 6-7 months.
2.4.5. Fertilization
Fertilization is done twice: (1) the time of planting or until 7 days after planting with a dose of 7 grams of urea, 8 grams of TSP and 35 grams of KCl per plant (120 kg urea, 160 kg TSP and 300 kg KCl / ha). And (2 ) at 30 days after fertilization to one with 10 grams of urea per plant or 200 kg of urea per hectare.
Manure fertilizer is placed in the hole (made with drill) as far as 70-10 cm from the seed and the soil. After fertilizing all plots immediately watered so that fertilizer is not out of the root zone of sugarcane. Fertilizing and watering should be done in one day.
In order sugar cane rendeman high, use of growth regulators such as Cytozyme (1 liter / ha) given twice at 45 and 75 HST.
2.4.6. Irrigation and Watering
Watering is done by a variety of ways:
a) Water from the dam flows through the channel planting.
b) Watering the planting hole when the cane is still young. When 3-month-old plants, watering again carried through the channels of the garden.
c) Water spray is taken from the irrigation channels and splashed onto the plants.
d) stem-gutter drains so that water flows into the planting hole.
Watering done at the time:
a) Time of planting
b) Plants located on the vegetative growth phase
c) Maturation.
2.5. Pests and Diseases
2.5.1. Pest
a) The striped stem Borer (Proceras cacchariphagus), shiny stem borer (Chilitrae auricilia), gray stem borer (Eucosma schismacaena), yellow stem borer (Chilotraea infuscatella), pink stem borer (Sesmia inferens)
Symptoms: leaves that are open have khlorosis at the base; the onslaught, leaf shape changed, there are dots or red stripes on the base of the leaf; some leaves can not grow anymore; sometimes stems to rot and smell bad . Control: by injecting insecticide Furadan 3G (0.5 kg / ha) at 3-5 months old plants. Injections made if there are 400 plants in one hectare fell ill.
b) Mice
Control: with gropyokan together or pengemposan sulfur in holes inhabited by rats.
2.5.2. Disease
a) Pokkahbung
Cause: Gibbrela moniliformis. The part that is the leaf attacked, at an advanced stage can strike trunk. Symptoms: There is a red stain on khlorosis spots in leaves, scattered holes in the leaves, so that leaves can be torn, leaves do not open (deformed shape), dark red stripes on the trunk, swollen joint. Control: wear-resistant seeds, insecticides starve pengembusan Bordeaux 1% and copper lime flour.
b) Dongkelan
Cause: The fungus Marasnius sach-day attack is part of the inner tissues of plants and seeds in dederan / nursery. Symptoms: old plant in clumps die suddenly, the old leaves dry out, then the young leaves, the leaves become yellowish-green color and there is a layer of mushrooms such as paper around the stem. Control: the soil is kept dry.
c) Yellow Stains
Cause: The fungus Cercospora kopkei. The part that attacked leaves and part-this part with high humidity. Symptoms: pale yellow spots on young leaves which turn bright yellow. Blood-red stains arise irregularly; the bottom covered with a layer puiih dirty. Dead leaves somewhat blackish in color. Control: is with a slash and burn the affected leaves. Then spray with flour sulfur plus potassium permanganate.
d) Diseases of pineapple
Cause: Ceratocytis paradoxa is a fungus. Part of being attacked are the seeds that have been cut. Symptoms: red mixed with black pieces in place, smells like pineapple. Control: wounds or cuts are ter disinfection with 0.25% acetic fenylraksa.
e) Noda ring
The part that attacked leaves, more in humid areas than dry areas. Cause: The fungus Heptosphaeria sacchari, Helmintosporium sachhari, Phyllsticta saghina. Symptoms: dark green stains under the leaf blade, the center of the stain becomes brown; the attacks continued, a clear brown, dry leaves. Control: pull out and burn diseased plants.
f) Rot seedlings
Part of being attacked are the seeds of plants with symptoms of yellow and wilt. Causes: bacteria. Symptoms: newly planted seeds rotting and books gray to black. Control: healthy seeds to plant, improvement of drainage systems, as well as the soil is kept dry.
g) Blendok
The part that is attacked leaves 1.5 to 2-month-old young plants during the dry season. Cause: Xanthomonas albilicans. Symptoms: khlorosis found on the leaves; the onslaught of all the green and white striped leaves; tumbah point and shoots red. Control: Planting resistant seedlings (2878 POY, POY 3016), Perform disinfection of the cutters seeds, soak the seeds in hot water 52.5 ° C and dried seeds lonjoran 1-2 days.
h) mosaic virus
Cause: Viruses. Control: keep host plants, seeds removed and burnt sore.
2.6. Harvest
2.6.1. Characteristics and Harvest
Age depending on the type of sugar cane harvesting:
a) Varieties genjah optimum cooking in <12 months
b) Varieties are being cooked optimally in 12-14 months
c) Varieties in optimum cooking at> 14 months.
Harvesting is done in August when rendeman (percentage of sugar cane) the maximum achievable.
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Interest-anggrekan or orchids Orchidaceae is a member of the tribe of flowering plants with the highest type. The types are widespread from the tropics to wet circumpolar region, although most members were found in the tropics. Most members of this tribe live as epiphytes, especially those from tropical regions. Orchids in the temperate regions usually live in soil and tuber shape as a way to adapt to winter. Organs which tend to be thick and "fleshy" (succulent) makes it stand the pressure of water availability. Epiphytic orchids can live from the dew and damp air.
Members of the importance of a well known man is the ornamental orchids and vanili.berkelopak beautiful flowers and colorful
The characteristics of botany
Members of these tribes tend to have a succulent organs or "fleshy": thick with high water content. Thus he can live in conditions of low water availability. Water is obtained from the rain, drops, dew, or moisture in the air. However, orchids are not found in desert regions because the roots are not intensive. Orchids like light but not direct sunlight so that he usually found in nature as plant floor or under the auspices of the forest. As ornamental plants, orchids stand in the room.
Root fibers, not inside. The types of the developing root succulent epiphytes and attached to the trunk where the tree grows, but does not harm the host tree. There is also a growing geofitis, with other terms means terrestria grown in soil with roots in the soil. There is also a saprophyte, growing on the media leaves and decayed wood that has decayed into humus. At the root surface are often found root fungus (mycorrhiza) are symbiotic with orchids.
Jointed stems of orchids. Orchids that live in soil ("orchids") stems short and tend to resemble bulbs. Meanwhile, the trunk epiphytic orchids grow well, often thickened and covered a layer of wax to prevent excessive evaporation. Stem growth can be "elongated" (monopodial) or "wide" (simpodial), depending on the genus.
Orchid leaves are usually oval-elongated with elongated leaves the bone anyway, typical monocot leaf. The leaves can also be thickened and serve as water storage.
Typical orchid-shaped flowers and a penciri that distinguishes it from other tribe members. Orchid flowers arrayed compound, arises from the elongated flower stalks, leaves emerge from the armpit. The flowers are bilateral symmetry. Strands of flower petals (sepals) is usually colored like petals (so-called tepals). One strand of the modified petals form a kind of "tongue" that protects an accessory structure that carries the stamens and pistil. Stamens have very short stalks with two small disc-shaped anthers (called "pollinia") and protected by a small structure that must be opened by insect pollinators (or humans for vanilla) and carry pollen to the pistil of the mouth. Without the help of organisms pollinators, pollination will not occur.
Fruit orchid-shaped capsule that is green and when ripe dry and open from the side. Seeds are small and lightweight, so easy in the wind. Orchid seeds do not have a network storage of food reserves and even the embryo has not yet reached perfect maturity. New germination occurs when seeds fall on the corresponding medium and continue its development until maturity.
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Krakatoa is a volcanic island that is still active and located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name was never pinned on a volcanic peak there (Mount Krakatoa) which vanish due to the eruptions themselves on 26-27 August 1883. The eruption was so powerful; hot clouds and the resulting tsunami killed about 36,000 people. Until before the date of December 26, 2004, this is a terdahsyat tsunami in the Indian Ocean region. The sound explosion was heard up in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa, 4653 miles. Yield is estimated at 30,000 times the atomic bombs that detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
The eruption of Krakatoa caused global climate change. The world was dark for two and a half days due to volcanic ash that covered the atmosphere. The sun shines dim until next year. Scattering dust visible in the sky Norway to New York.
The explosion of Krakatoa is actually still less than the eruption of Mount Toba and Tambora in Indonesia, Mount Tanpo in New Zealand and Mount Katmal in Alaska. But these mountains erupted deep in the human population is still very little. Meanwhile, when Mount Krakatoa erupted, the human population is dense enough, science and technology has evolved, the telegraph was invented, and submarine cable has been installed. Thus it can be said that at the time of information technology is growing and growing rapidly.
Noted that the eruption of Mount Krakatau is the first major disaster in the world after the invention of the submarine telegraph. Progress is, unfortunately, has not been matched by progress in the field of geology. The geologist was not even able to give an explanation of the eruption.
The emergence of Mount Krakatau
Rakata Island, which is one of three remaining island Ancient Krakatoa then grow in accordance with the volcanic impulse from deep within the earth, known as Mount Krakatau (or Mount Rakata) made of basaltic rock. Later, two volcano emerged from the crater, named Danan Mountain and Mount Perbuwatan are then fused with Mount Rakata came first. Unity third volcano is called Mount Krakatau.
Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1680 produced andesitic lava acid. Then in 1880, Mount Perbuwatan active issue though is not erupting lava. After that time, there is no volcanic activity at Krakatau until May 20, 1883. On that day, after 200 years of asleep, there was a small explosion at Mount Krakatau. That would be early signs of the massive eruption in the Sunda Strait. Small explosion was followed by small eruptions that peak occurred on 26-27 August 1883.
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Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native animals dragons. The island is also the Komodo National Park which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island in the eastern island of Sumbawa, separated by Sape Strait.
Administratively, this island including the District of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the most western tip of East Nusa Tenggara province, bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara.
On the island of Komodo, Komodo animals live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there are about 1,300 Komodo dragons tail. Coupled with the other islands, such as Island and Rinca and Gili Motang, their numbers totaled about 2500 tails. There are also approximately 100 individuals dragons in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland island of Flores, but not including the Komodo National Park.
Besides Komodo, this island also store a variety of exotic flora that Sepang wood by local people used as a medicinal and dye clothing, nitak tree Sterculia oblongata in this or believe to be useful as medicines and seeds are tasty and delicious like peas.
In 1910 the Dutch named the island on the south side of East Nusa Tenggara province is the nickname of the island of Komodo. This story begins with Lieutenant Steyn van Hens Broek who tries to prove statements about the presence of Dutch troops large animal resembling a dragon on the island. Steyn then kill a dragon and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be investigated.
Komodo, or the more called Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), is the world's largest lizard species that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara. This lizard by the natives of Komodo island is also called by local names ora.
Including family members Varanidae lizards, and klad Toxicofera, dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 m. Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism, the tendency for body meraksasanya certain animals that live on a small island linked to the absence of carnivorous mammals in the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of small dragons. Because of her size, these lizards occupy the position of a top predator that dominate the ecosystems in which they live.
Komodo dragons are found by western researchers in 1910. He was a great and terrible reputation that makes them popular in zoos. Dragons in the wild habitat has been shrinking due to human activity and therefore incorporate dragons IUCN as a species vulnerable to extinction. This large lizard is now protected under Indonesian law and a national park, the Komodo National Park, established to protect them.
In 2009, the Park has been named a finalist in the "New Seven Wonders of Nature" that the new announced in 2010 by online voting at
and do not forget to support the island of Komodo As New Seven Wonder
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Dreamland Beach is a tourist place located in the south of Bali in an area called Pecatu. Dreamland beach surrounded by cliffs towering, and surrounded by a fairly large rocks around the coast. This beach location is in Bali Pecatu Graha complex (Kuta Golf Links Resort) which is about 30 minutes from Kuta beach.
Dreamland beach itself is almost similar to the Kuta beach. White sand and a steep gully into which so captured the eye sight to be seen. Locations in the clean white sandy beach just below the narrow steep rock walls suitable for enjoying the sunset or just watching the surfers attraction. The waves are high and large much in demand by fans of water sports surfing (surfing), even Dreamland has become a new kind of surf spots for the region of Bali ..
origin of name
The origin of the name Dreamland was in this area because there was a housing project and tourist attraction. But the project is delayed and neglected while the villagers Pecatu who once lived as a farmer is hoping the project is finished and they could pursue other business in the field of tourism. That's why the land around the beach called Dreamland (the land of dreams).
The courtyard of this beautiful beach was originally only a small spot of area 900 acres owned by PT Bali Pecatu Graha (BPG) which had a scene in 1996. Land area was hired to be transformed into resorts superluks "Pecatu Indah Resort".
It is said that it will be integrated with the resort tourist area, while utilizing the natural beauty and originality, as well as environmental preservation. The resort owner, Tommy Suharto, son of former President Suharto, would create "neighborhoods and most unique tours throughout Southeast Asia". But as the financial crisis swept Indonesia and the crisis of credibility of leadership, this megaproject starts to fade
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Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit / Old Javanese: Brahma, one of the main Hindu Gods), is a volcano is still active and best known as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo become attractive because of its status as the volcano is still active.
Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level is located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Regency. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between the valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers.
Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo.
history of the eruption
During the twentieth century, the mountain is famous as a tourist spot that erupted three times, with regular time intervals, namely 30 years. The biggest eruption occurred in 1974, while the last eruption occurred in 2010.
Bromo eruption history: 2011, 2010, 2004, 2001, 1995, 1984, 1983, 1980, 1972, 1956, 1955, 1950, 1948, 1940, 1939, 1935, 1930, 1929, 1928, 1922, 1921, 1915, 1916, 1910, 1909, 1907, 1908, 1907, 1906, 1907, 1896, 1893, 1890, 1888, 1886, 1887, 1886, 1885, 1886, 1885, 1877, 1867, 1868, 1866, 1865, 1865, 1860, 1859, 1858, 1858, 1857, 1856, 1844, 1843, 1843, 1835, 1830, 1830, 1829, 1825, 1822, 1823, 1820, 1815, 1804, 1775, and 1767.
Bromo as a sacred mountain
For residents of Bromo Tengger tribe, Mount Brahma (Bromo) believed to be a sacred mountain. Once a year the community held a ceremony Yadnya Tengger Kasada or Kasodo. This ceremony is held at a temple located at the foot of Mount Bromo and proceed north to the top of Mount Bromo. The ceremony was held at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar.
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